It seems that we are in the habit of fall vacations when we can't chance going to the Caribbean because of hurricanes. We have been quite pleased with our choices in the West and will continue to explore our nation's parks. We have learned that we love the mountains and enjoy both the weather and the scenery.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Tomorrow's the day! Sure hope the flights go better than the return flight last weekend! Oh well, can't change the weather and we made it safely. I just bought shampoo and I guess that was the last thing I needed. Dean still not packed. Oh well...... Stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. Guess I'm the first to check in and see how it's going. I'm getting ready for school and visiting the new children in their home this week. Faculty coming to my house on Sunday for a Pot Luck and to watch the movie "Babies" Going to Homer for LD weekend. Several Merry Melody 4Hers are taking Mom out for lunch on Sat. I am having fun catching up with HS friends I have not seen in 45 years. Can't wait to hear about MtRushmor and Cody WY.
