It seems that we are in the habit of fall vacations when we can't chance going to the Caribbean because of hurricanes. We have been quite pleased with our choices in the West and will continue to explore our nation's parks. We have learned that we love the mountains and enjoy both the weather and the scenery.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Day Five: Spearfish Canyon, Devils Tower and Sheridan

One of Dean's customers called this morning at 4:30 (even at eastern time that's a little bit early!) to order Muck Shoes.  That was the end of my sleep, although I think Dean did fall back to sleep.  We left Deadwood by 8 and drove Spearfish Canyon, which wasn't as great as I expected.  Possibly I'm becoming desensitized?  We did drive on a rainy, wet dirt road to the site of the final scene in Dances With Wolves.  I couldn't really get to the exact site where they were sitting on their horses in the snow because of mud and weeds and a creek but I can say I was there.  I guess all that's a big deal out here.
We had breakfast in Sundace, and planned to go to the Sundance Kid Museum because it was raining.  We drove all over that little town (all three streets) and never found a museum of any kind......  so off we went, in the pouring rain, to Devils Tower.  Alright, damnit, we're there, we are gonna walk around the darn thing!  So we did - with umbrellas and waterproof jackets.  It didn't rain all the way around the 1.3 mile loop.  The sun actually almost came out a couple of times.  It was pretty neat no matter the rain.
The sun came out bright for most of the 130 mile drive from Devils Tower to Sheridan.  But the last 10 miles it was a torential downpour with amazing thunder and lightning.  We are staying at the Mill Inn, a converted flour mill, for the night and Dean is napping.  I think driving might have been a little difficult with the strong wind blowing across the plain.  Dinner later, then bed - we are so darn borning!  Well, maybe not so boring - after a great dinner we went to the Sheridan Inn, once Buffalo Bill Cody was a part owner and he always stayed there.  The Inn is in the middle of a great renovation project right now and they only havre the dinning room and the bar open.  It was cool to be there though since Dean is related to Buffalo Bill and Cody was named after him.  Sorry about the late posting, the Mill Inn had lousy Internet connection.

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